Trash Pick-up

Litter, roadside trash, and illegal dumping is trashy. Simply, it is a representation of the increasing consequences of human impact on our environment. It decays the beautification of our communities, and it’s extremely problematic for our ecosystems and community health. One of The SumDay Project’s initiatives is strategic trash pick-up events to protect critical ecosystems such as watersheds, rivers and other water sources that feed into watersheds, grasslands and fields, community parks, urban green spaces, road sides and more. These places are important parts of larger ecological systems that contribute to overall community health and the health of its residents. You can make an environmental impact by disposing of trash and recycling in proper receptacles, policing your community of litter, and paying mind to overfilled trashcans on trash day.

Look for SumDay volunteers in your community or contact The SumDay Project to volunteer!


SumDay Spaces & Urban Revitalization